Monday, December 12, 2005


My friend Misty is dog sitting her mom's dog. Her name is Sophie, she's a pomeranian (sp?) teacup poodle mix, and she's too cute. There might be puppies soon, and someone needs to stop me! I don't know how much she weighs, but it had to have been less than 5 pounds. She was really sweet too. A dog like her would make for a great dog for me to take to the Children's Hospital! I've wanted to do that for the longest time. None of my cats would like to do it. It would stress out Gus. Trudy is too barky. Bunny is too skittish. I really have no choice but to get another dog. :D Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

If you get another pet Gillian will have to go live someplace else.

Shannon said...

Hardy har har. I'm not getting another anyway. I want another, but I've already got too many.