Wednesday, November 16, 2005

As requested, G has come up with a Christmas wish list.

-She wants clothes. No pajamas though. She wears size 8 and she mostly wears pants and shirts. She usually doesn't wear sweaters - just long sleeve shirts.

We found the following things at Toys R Us:
-Electronic Furby, any color is fine. $29.95
- Any of the Disney Mania CDs. $9.98 each
- Disney Girlz Rock CD. $16.99
- Radio Disney CD. $15.99
- A Magic 8 Ball. $6.99
- Luv Cubs Panda Bear (The Bear Cub that Hugs You Back) $14.98
- Flower Cubes (they are little plastic flowers that sway back and forth and they are solar powered) $5.99 each.
- Bratz Rock Angelz Funky Fashion Makeover. $29.99
-Bratz Wild Wild West Horse. $14.99
- A laptop computer to give to her mom. (Or a desktop, just as long as it doesn't give her constant trouble.) Probably about $1500.00. :D

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