I've been told by the Thomas Family and the Holt family to make a list of what G wants for Christmas. I still don't have the ability to send email, so I'm writing here.
Gillian wants horse stuff. Shirts, pjs, anything horse. She wears size 8 right now. She doesn't know what else she wants, but maybe tomorrow we'll be able to go to the store and make a list.
To the Holt family, Freddy's has these gel glove things that you wear 2 or 3 times a week and it's supposed to help with dry hands. They were in the holiday gift section. I think they were around $20. That's what I want.
Oh, Gillian is always happy to get Build a Bear GCs.
On a completely different subject, some of you might like to know that Mike has been having diarrhea all over the house. He doesn't even try to make it to the litter box. He's also been peeing on the rug. He's going to the vet today. The weird thing is, he seems to be feeling okay. He is still eating and drinking, and he is still obsessing about being on my lap. He purrs when I pet him. Other than super skinny, he looks healthy.