Monday, November 28, 2005

Gillian had a few inches of hair cut off yesterday. She was going for this look, but I think she needs thicker hair, and hairspray (which we don't have).

But it still turned out really cute... Posted by Picasa
After I curled it a little. Posted by Picasa
Check out how cute the back was! Posted by Picasa
Gillian today in art class, making a clay coil pot. Posted by Picasa
Isn't she just the cutest? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A great big thank you to my friend Beniss for fixing my computer!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm still computerless.

Mike is all better.

Gillian does not have head lice!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My computer is down again (I'm at the library),
Mike won't take his medicine,
I just found out that G's locker mate has head lice.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

As requested, G has come up with a Christmas wish list.

-She wants clothes. No pajamas though. She wears size 8 and she mostly wears pants and shirts. She usually doesn't wear sweaters - just long sleeve shirts.

We found the following things at Toys R Us:
-Electronic Furby, any color is fine. $29.95
- Any of the Disney Mania CDs. $9.98 each
- Disney Girlz Rock CD. $16.99
- Radio Disney CD. $15.99
- A Magic 8 Ball. $6.99
- Luv Cubs Panda Bear (The Bear Cub that Hugs You Back) $14.98
- Flower Cubes (they are little plastic flowers that sway back and forth and they are solar powered) $5.99 each.
- Bratz Rock Angelz Funky Fashion Makeover. $29.99
-Bratz Wild Wild West Horse. $14.99
- A laptop computer to give to her mom. (Or a desktop, just as long as it doesn't give her constant trouble.) Probably about $1500.00. :D

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The son of my next door neighbor just stopped by to tell me that his dad (our neighbor) has passed away. He just went over to visit him and found him dead, holding a picture of his wife in his hands. His wife died last Christmas and he had been devastated since. His son said that tomorrow was their anniversary. He said, "I guess he was ready to be with her".

I just saw him yesterday. He was out for a walk.

Sad. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out he killed himself.

Also, his daughter was recently diagnosed with cancer. Poor Suzi, she's going to be heartbroken.
Update on Mikey. The vet put him on an antibiotic that is supposed to help with the diarrhea. How much of it ends up in him and not all over the floors and walls is questionable. Hopefully I'll be able to get it in him and the problem will clear up in the next couple days. If it doesn't, it might be curtains for Mike. :(

For G's families

I've been told by the Thomas Family and the Holt family to make a list of what G wants for Christmas. I still don't have the ability to send email, so I'm writing here.

Gillian wants horse stuff. Shirts, pjs, anything horse. She wears size 8 right now. She doesn't know what else she wants, but maybe tomorrow we'll be able to go to the store and make a list.

To the Holt family, Freddy's has these gel glove things that you wear 2 or 3 times a week and it's supposed to help with dry hands. They were in the holiday gift section. I think they were around $20. That's what I want.

Oh, Gillian is always happy to get Build a Bear GCs.

On a completely different subject, some of you might like to know that Mike has been having diarrhea all over the house. He doesn't even try to make it to the litter box. He's also been peeing on the rug. He's going to the vet today. The weird thing is, he seems to be feeling okay. He is still eating and drinking, and he is still obsessing about being on my lap. He purrs when I pet him. Other than super skinny, he looks healthy.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I was going through all my digital photos. The following 33 photos are some of my favorites.
Fall 2005. Posted by Picasa
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Summer 2005. Posted by Picasa
Mike. Summer of 2005. Posted by Picasa
Gillian's 8th birthday party. Posted by Picasa
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Lisa, Frankie, Gillian and ? releasing the fish. Posted by Picasa
Taken in 2003 probably. Posted by Picasa
Gus and Bella. I can't remember the name of the lake. It's near Mt Hood. Posted by Picasa
The marriage didn't last, but the cake was good! Posted by Picasa
Seattle Children's Museum. Posted by Picasa
OMSI 2002 Posted by Picasa
Swimming lessons. 2002 Posted by Picasa
When we first got Gus. Posted by Picasa