It's the last full week of summer vacation!
We started the day with going to Bullwinkles Family Fun Center. If you are unfamiliar with Bullwinkles, it is a place where you buy tokens, play games, and depending on how well you do on the games, you get a certain number of tickets. When you've run out of tickets and money, you turn in your tickets, and get prizes. Gillian won 531 tickets today. Her prizes were a sticker, a diary, and a little fan. The lock on the diary sometimes works, and the little fan worked for about 3 seconds. They also have bumper boats, miniature golf, go-carts, batting cages, and bungy jumping. I couldn't navigate the golf course, and I couldn't get in the bumper boats or the go-carts. Gillian didn't want to bungy jump, so instead, we ate Dippin' Dots. I can't quite decide if I like Dippin' Dots. Gillian likes them.
After escaping that place, we were driving home and decided to try to find a temple that is made out of marble. Bits of it can be seen from the freeway and we wanted to see the whole thing. We got off the freeway, and drove around for a good 30 minutes, but never found it. We did however, get to see lots of big, expensive suburban houses. Where do all these people get all their money? Not that I would want to live in one of those houses, but geeze.
To stop myself from hyperventilating, we quickly left the burbs and went downtown to the Art Museum. It was closed, so we went across the street to the Oregon Historical Society, where we saw lots of... old stuff.
The statue in the picture posted below is of Theodore Roosevelt, and it was outside the museum. Gillian liked the horse, of corse.
Is anyone other than my mom actually reading this? I won't always be so talkative. I'll probably grow tired of blogging soon. Thanks for the comments. Gillian enjoyed them very much. It wasn't set up to accept annoymous posts like I said it was in my email, but it is now. -Shannon